Written By Martin Samoylov
The Brooklyn College administration urged faculty to actively allow transfer credits to incoming students as part of last fall’s presentation on Oct. 17 to the faculty.
The presentation laid out concerns such as angry graduates, delayed graduations and damaged “word of mouth” when compared with other CUNY schools pertaining to permitting transfer credits.
“We compete with other CUNY campuses for transfer students. When we don’t grant transfer credit and they do, students go elsewhere,” read one of the presentation’s slides.
It also pointed to Degreeworks’ “What If” feature, which allows students from other CUNY schools to see which of their current credits would hypothetically transfer over to others. It is currently used by thousands, according to the slides.
Transfer credit leniency was one of several arguments presented in the administration’s “Strategic Plan,” which also includes creating course rotation schedules and eliminating hidden prerequisites to avoid excess credits.
Currently, individual decisions on transfer credits are made by faculty within academic departments.Administration hopes they can better the process for transfer students moving forward.
“Transfer students are a vital part of Brooklyn College’s student body,” said Vice President for Enrollment Management and Retention Lillian O’Reilly, “We are constantly looking at ways to improve the experience of our transfer students through new technology and personalized service.”