Online learning for the spring? On Oct. 26th the CUNY board of trustees voted to continue online learning services into the spring.
This does not officially put the learning of CUNY’s 275,000 students online, but merely states that CUNY will provide services for individual colleges who choose to go online.
The minutes for the Oct. 26 Board of Trustees meeting reads:
“The Board of Trustees approves the University’s decision to extend and continue the
offering of online and distance learning instructional modality for the delivery of courses in degree and non degree programs and the offering of remote support services for the Spring Semester 2021.”
This leaves the door wide open for a virtual Spring semester as students and faculty alike lament the current state of affairs complete with increased workloads and a lack of motivation.
“To protect the health and safety of our community, we are pleased to announce that the CUNY Board of Trustees has voted for all CUNY colleges to continue online teaching in the 2021 Winter Intersession and Spring Semesters. Therefore, Brooklyn College will offer its winter and spring courses in a remote format, except for those courses that cannot be delivered remotely, such as those few that are being offered in a hybrid format this semester,” wrote President Michelle Anderson in an email to students Friday. “Although we miss very much being able to see one another in person, it is not yet safe to gather again on our beautiful campus. There is no vaccine or cure for COVID-19, and cases are rising across the country,” she said.