Fall ’19 and Spring ’20 Still Await Diplomas

BC graduates await their diplomas./ Church Hill Classics

Written By: Paola Sacerdote and Julie Saadia

BC graduates await their diplomas./ Church Hill Classics

The Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 classes of Brooklyn College are still waiting on their diplomas. The administration recently sent out an email to update the confused graduate students on the status of the diplomas.

  “In early October, we began working with a company that will print and mail diplomas remotely,” the administration’s email wrote. “We currently anticipate that your diploma will be mailed by the end of December, with electronic copies emailed to you around mid-December.”


  Many graduates have been wondering when and where their diplomas are for some time. Some students contacted advisors with the hopes of getting some more information. 


  “I reached out to an advisor and they said that they are still conferring with graduates and that we will be receiving an email when DegreeWorks finishes checking credits,” said Becca MarGee.


  For some students, the diplomas will arrive a year after their graduation.


  “I graduated in December, and I am yet to receive my diploma,” Aaron Tsang told the Vanguard. 


  Despite the administration’s optimistic update, some graduates have already been affected by the delays.


  “My job wanted a hard copy of my diploma, and I did not have it,” said graduate Iliane Hamaoui Liliane. “I lost out on some benefits that I would have received with my diploma.” 


   The administration’s email update also gave instructions on what graduates should do to make sure they receive their diplomas.  


  “We will contact you via email when we have further details, but in the meantime, we need you to take the following important steps to successfully receive your diploma,” the email read.

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