Song Review: Trophy Eyes’ “27 Club”

The title card to the band's latest music video. / TrophyEyesOfficial via Youtube

By Iliana Calderon

   Trophy Eyes, an Australian alternative rock band, released their brand new song “27 Club” on Oct. 28, and it’s now available on all music streaming platforms.

   Trophy Eyes has always been known for creating upbeat music, and they brought back that sound with this new song. “27 Club” gives us an intense beat and a breakdown, along with intense lyrics. It also follows the general pattern of a song in which it has verse one, bridge, chorus, verse two, and the chorus. By using the title of the song and paying close attention to the lyrics, we can see that this track refers to the famous phenomenon of 27 club – a term that refers to artists, like Amy Winehouse, who died at the age of 27 from suicide, drug overdose, or other horrific circumstances. John Floreani, the frontman of Trophy Eyes, could be referring to a personal situation where he felt as though he could’ve died at this age or he could have lost someone at the age of 27.

   However, some people in the YouTube comments are not huge fans of the song. Some feel as though the track was not properly mixed since the beat felt a little bit louder than the lyrics. Some went so far as to say that they might have accidentally put out the rough version. To date, the band has made no statement regarding these comments.

   I did go back and give this song a second listen with earphones, and it does sound like the beat is a tad bit louder than the singing. Overall, though, I do think the song is very fitting given that Trophy Eyes has made very upbeat pop-punk and hardcore punk music. All things considered, I enjoy this song because it is really powerful. I would recommend this band to anyone who is a fan of Boston Manor, Seaway, Knuckle Puck, and Movements.


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