By Michela Arlia
Over the past week, BC’s campus has experienced some construction and unforeseen facilities problems across various parts of campus.
From heavy construction outside Roosevelt Hall near the tennis courts, to leaks in Whitman Hall affecting the Theater Department’s spaces, and the patching up of broken glass doors at the West End Building (WEB), students were bound to see work occurring both inside and outside buildings.
According to Rich Pietras, the college’s media relations manager, the trenches near the tennis courts were dug up to help with repairing pipes connecting back to WEB’s heating system.
“The piping that originated in Roosevelt Hall developed a leak, and that is being repaired by vendors being managed by DASNY [Dormitory Authority of the State of New York],” wrote Pietras to The Vanguard. “The college hopes this work is completed over the next few weeks.”
Leaks and a partial ceiling collapse in the basement of Whitman Hall near the New Workshop Theater were the result of last week’s rain.
“Due to heavy rains in the past few days, a drain outside the Whitman Theater was clogged with debris and overflowed on Dec. 7 into the first floor of the Whitman Theater,” commented Pietras. “Water also ran downstairs and damaged several ceiling tiles. The drain was cleared immediately by the plumbing crew, the theater carpet dried, and all damaged ceiling tiles were removed. The tiles will be replaced as soon as possible.”
While Whitman now seems to be dry again, construction adjacent to the tennis courts near Roosevelt will continue on without an end date scheduled for the time being. The Vanguard will report any follow up information as it becomes available.