Editors’ Note

Here at The Vanguard, we are fully committed to the principles of facts and fairness in reporting so that students can make informed decisions about the world around them. We have been cognizant of the larger discussion being held about the media’s role in reporting on Israel and Palestine, which has occasionally carried misinformation and biases within the coverage.


Our editorial staff is made up of Palestinian, Jewish, and other voices originating from different backgrounds. As such, we decided to choose a writer with no cultural, religious, or ethnic ties to the issue at hand. The objective of our coverage is to report on recent developments at Brooklyn College without including any personal underlying opinions about the matter.


We encountered many students who refused to speak with The Vanguard or give their name in fear of being singled out or “doxxed” (their identifying information published online). Instead, we focused on statements published by student organizations that represent these students. We were also met with hostility by the NYPD and Brooklyn College’s Public Safety at the protest while trying to obtain interviews. They refused to even let us get near protesters from behind the barricades.


We believe it is our duty as journalists to be a voice for the voiceless and represent the student body, and with the proper due diligence, we will continue to do so. 




Serin Sarsour, Editor-In-Chief

Kate Dempsey, Managing Editor

Shlomie Katash, News Editor

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