Brooklyn College Opens Home Games To Vaccinated Spectators

Brooklyn College fans celebrating in a pre-COVID world./Benjamin Norman via The New York Times

By Owen Russell


    Brooklyn College will allow a limited number of spectators for home games as of Jan. 28. The policy allows that only vaccinated Brooklyn College students are allowed to attend the games, and that all entrants are required to be masked. As the college transitions into a new normal of in-person classes, the spectator policy becomes part of Brooklyn’s ever-changing stance against COVID.

    “With the return of students to campus and the decline of Omicron infections, we have been able to plan for the return of spectators,” said Athletic Director Bruce Filosa. According to a statement from Dec. 15, the return of spectators was supposed to take place on Jan. 1, but a spike in COVID-19 cases delayed the process. “[We] are in a position where we feel confident in the management and safety of all involved,” Filosa added.  

    The return to the stands marks an important development for team spirit across Brooklyn College. “Having spectators definitely helps to motivate the teams,” Filosa stated. “The energy they bring to the game cannot be replicated.”

    Fans will be allowed to attend Brooklyn College athletic events for the first time since spring 2020. Last semester, many athletes and fans were confused by what seemed to be a double standard as athletes practiced and competed unmasked, but fans were not permitted to attend even if they were masked and socially distant. At the same time, the music and theater departments were able to host in-person events with crowds.

    “I was able to go to a jazz concert,” senior Derek Myers said, “They checked my vaccine and made me wear a mask, plus it was indoors. I don’t know why we couldn’t do the same for sports.” Myers is not alone in his sentiment. When the announcement first hit last semester, there was severe backlash on social media. Multiple Instagram users took their frustrations out in the comment section, some wondering why Yankee Stadium and Citi Field could be at full capacity while the Bulldogs had to play in front of an empty house.

    Despite the challenges of last semester, Brooklyn College students will finally be able to watch home sporting events live as of press time. According to the Athletic Department, students do not need to purchase any tickets to attend. For those interested, visit the Brooklyn College Athletic Department’s website for the Bulldogs’ schedules.

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