Written By: Sydney Rodriguez

President Michelle Anderson announced via a virtual Policy Council meeting on Apr. 28 that the administration is seeking students for representative roles on the Reentry Review Board.
“Now is the time to include a student’s voice, particularly as we head into the end part of the spring semester and through the summer,” Anderson said in the meeting.
At the moment, the RRB, which meets weekly to review reentry plans for a safe return to campus in the fall semester, consists of a handful of administrators and four faculty representatives.
Anderson encouraged the Policy Council to send her suggestions for student nominations. Depending on the recommendations, Anderson said the review board can have two student representatives. She stated that the administration is looking for students who will be committed to attending every weekly meeting throughout the summer.
“It’s a weekly commitment of time to review materials ahead of the meeting and to sit for the meeting, which is about an hour to an hour of a half every week,” she said.
Anderson also announced that the Faculty Council Campus Planning Committee, Facilities Team, and Environmental Health and Safety Team will hold a consultation that will focus on attending to students’ needs. The meeting is expected to be held on May 11. The confirmed date will likely be published in Anderson’s weekly Return to Campus Letter.
Despite the RRB’s work, Anderson noted that all finalized decisions for reentry in the fall, including those regarding mandatory vaccine regulations and vaccine distribution in the college, remain in the hands of CUNY.
“We have lobbied the central office to set it up so that we can offer COVID vaccines to our students, faculties, and staff,” Anderson said about possible vaccine distribution on campus. “When and if that comes to pass, I will certainly share that information with the community as quickly as possible.”
With CUNY’s final reentry decisions in the works, Anderson reassured the council that the Reentry Review Board continues to focus on a safe return to campus.