BC Junction Magazine: A Writer’s Paradise 

Drawing by Kaylin Guzman

By T’Neil Gooden


   The continuous exposure to independent writing, and creating a community space within Brooklyn College can be seen through the writer’s circle events hosted by the Brooklyn College Junction Magazine created for students of all majors. Every Tuesday and Thursday, the writer’s circle encourages students to push their messages of love, life, and the feelings in between through their writing and presentations. 

  The Writer’s Circle meets at Boylan 2307 at [time]. While this community space is guided, writers have free range over how they choose to present and discuss their work.

 “The Writer’s Circle is divided into two parts. The larger part is a quiet space for writing; usually, there are somewhere between two to four prompts for inspiration, in addition to just free writing. After that, people are allowed to present a small section of their work, based mostly on how many people are present, so that everyone interested in presenting can have time to present,” Joseph Edelheit, Treasurer of Riverrun: The organization that runs the Junction Magazine, said.

   Writers are free to share their pieces whenever they feel ready within the Writer’s Circle. Students can come to as many meetings and perform as many times as they see fit. 

   “In writer’s circles, one of the interns hosting usually asks an ice breaker for a short discussion to get everyone conformable. The host then gives a range of prompts that you can use to get started. You, of course, are not required to use them. After about 25 minutes of writing, anyone is welcome to write aloud what they wrote. You will likely get feedback, but that is not mandatory,” Leon Crews, intern at the Junction and a senior at BC, said.

   The Writer’s Circle prides itself on being an open space where students can express all the emotions they are feeling through their presentation of writing. 

   “The goals [of the writer’s circle] are to present a safe, accepting space for students to express themselves creatively, while also creating a supportive environment, both in terms of a physical space but also interpersonally,” Edelheit told The Vanguard. 

   The Junction wants students to realize that writing should be seen as a resource and not a barrier to education. They have created a space where students can be open about their writings and be educated on the different dimensions their writings could have when it is shared with other students. 

   “The goal of writer’s circles is not only to build a community of writers as a resource for students to use off and on campus but to create a space where experienced and complete newcomers can come together to write and share what they have created with no shame or judgment,” Crews told The Vanguard. 

   Even though sharing your work with other students isn’t mandatory, it helps public speaking, connection, and conversation within the community of the writer’s circle.  

   “My favorite part of writer’s circles is the sharing portion. Despite it not being mandatory, most, if not everyone, share what they made. I love hearing the wide range of voices and how the same people may have interpreted the same prompt,” Crews said. 

   Relationships and engagement are always encouraged with the Junction and the staff and interns in the Junction community show it. 

   “The interns are a tight-knit group who all love to write to varying degrees and just to encourage that love with our peers. We love active engagement from other students in all forms even outside of writer’s circles. We are currently working on a way for students to submit outside of the main magazine every spring, but more details on that soon,” Crews told The Vanguard. 

   The invitation to join this community space is always open to anyone who would like to join, which board members say offers the chance to foster a wide range of expression.

   “The important thing people should know is that everyone is welcome to submit their writing and art to the magazine. We love to show off a wide range of creativity and different kinds of expression,” Crews said. 


   Interested students can check out http://thejunctionjournal.wordpress.com/ where they post weekly updates and opportunities and can submit their writings at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSelEvAHg4TaX265XrnlCjuIv1DbgN0mr6GxVRTMP4RidrhkQg/viewform

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